
Income Tax Preparation

not just filling in the blanks, also provide advice for future tax strategies and review past returns looking for missed tax savings – affordable fee and quality service

Estate Plan Review

what will happen to your family financially when you die; who is your executor(s) and alternates; guardians for your children; what are the advantages and disadvantages to naming beneficiaries on your accounts, investments, and life insurance policies; what are the pitfalls of accounts joint with an adult child; who is your power of attorney while you are still alive; who is your power of attorney for health; what is a living will; how much will the probate and lawyer fees be; how much will your estate pay in taxes?

Retirement Planning

using a software tool called Rifmetic, your retirement income can be estimated including all pensions, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and your own personal savings. The software does a “mini tax return” for each year because it’s what you get to spend that counts! Find out if you are on track or how much more you need to save or if you need to adjust your retirement expectations.

Pre-Retirement Planning

if you are 55-65, there are some strategies that should be considered to maximize your income in retirement and minimize taxes. Taken into account are: Guaranteed Income Supplement eligibility, Age Credit, Pension Income Splitting, Old Age Security repayment and the various tax brackets for both spouses.

Professional Executor Assistance Service

for those who have been named and are acting as an executor for the estate of a loved one or friend, I provide professional help to get you through what can be overwhelming paperwork and administration. There are many tasks that don’t need a lawyer but you are looking for some guidance and professional experience. I work with you and your lawyer to have the estate dealt with as quickly as possible.

Executor Service

If you are looking for an executor for your estate, I provide professional service to complete the paperwork and administration. There are many tasks that need to be done by the executor; I am in the area and have the experience. I work with your lawyer to have the estate dealt with as quickly as possible. I can be named the executor (or co-executor) instead of (or in addition to) naming a family member or child(ren) if there may be conflict between siblings or if the relationships are strained or if the financial capacity is not strong.