Personal Income Tax
Don’t just get your taxes done. Get the most non-refundable and refundable tax credits and tax deductions you are legally entitled to receive!
We can help you increase your refund or decrease your amount owing:
- Personal Income Tax Preparation and Filing
- E-File with Canada Revenue Agency (refunds in 10 to 14 days)
- Individuals and families
- Self-employed (not incorporated)
- Final tax returns for deceased and Estate tax returns
Review past tax returns for missed credits and deductions (disability tax credit, medical expenses, and more); adjust tax returns up to 10 years!
Advice on how to structure your retirement income to pay the least amount of taxes in retirement and get the most benefits you are eligible for!
When and how much to take out of your registered savings plans to minimize taxes.
Assist with applications for Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, reduce Pharmacare deductible, Disability Tax Credit, and Manitoba Primary Caregiver Tax Credit.
$1 per income tax return donated to the Ste Anne Hospital Fund; more than $21,000 donated since 2007!
Most Personal Income Tax Returns are due April 30; especially if you owe! If you owe, but cannot afford to pay, file by April 30 so you will not face penalties!
If you are self employed, you have until June 15 to file your return. Even if you cannot pay, file by June 15 to avoid late filing penalties!
Good Tax Advice can be your Best Investment
Income Tax Service from a Certified Financial Planner and a Financial Advisor with Income Tax Expertise